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What does it do?

Craniosacral therapy facilitates the internal communication between the body and the spirit and regards the body as a functioning unit of body and mind combined. All the structures in a human body are directly or indirectly connected through tissue. This tissue (fascia) can be seen as a sort of blanket which, in its folds, holds the skull, the spinal cord, organs, bones, muscles, joints, blood vessels and nerves.
Limitations in the connective tissue can cause many complaints throughout the body. This means, for example, that the cause of neck ache can be found in the neck, but can just as well be found somewhere else in the body. The connective tissue offers stability, protection and mobility. To live, we must be able to move freely.

Every human body has a self-healing capability, illustrated perfectly through the natural healing of a wound. Normally, the body makes sure the wound heals on its own. But an accident, a disease, an invasive medical intervention, stress or even the wrong nutrition can weaken this self-healing capability, causing the body to need additional help to rid itself of complaints.
As a craniosacral therapist, I offer this additional help by facilitating the CSF flow (cerebrospinal fluid) and fluidic exchanges in the entire body. This, in term, gives the self-healing process a boost and puts the body back on track.

CranioSacral Therapy aims to unblock obstacles within the craniosacral system to help the meninges and skull bones regain their natural freedom of movement and their rhythmic movement. In this case, the skull bones are an extension of the meninges. By using them as anchorage, influence is exercised on the whole craniosacral system. The craniosacral rhythm can be perceived with the hands from any part of the craniosacral system. This is how blockades and obstacles in the system are found and treated.

The treatment technique consists of addressing the body’s own correction mechanism by a specific and light touch contact with the obstacle. This touch urges the obstacle to function anew harmoniously with its environment (i.e. the body). The rhythm plays a defining role in this process as a detector.

By a soft touch I investigate tensions in the binding tissue. A relaxed position and attitude is very important. This improves a good perception of the body.

By combining support with a soft touch and the body own healing capacities, changes can take place in whatever timeframe needed. Maybe you will feel heat or cold in certain areas, tension or relaxation, sometimes memories that can be associated with the shedding of emotional feelings. It can also be that your body during treatment spontaneously goes into certain attitudes or start moving in peculiar ways. Keywords here are understanding, respect and attention. I will ask you to talk about what you perceive and feel. You always decide whether you want to talk or not. I, your therapist, have the role of attendant-facilitator. I accompany you in researching the significance of the tension in your body and help you to perceive yourself and your symptoms in a different way.

The duration of a treatment can vary, usually from 45 minutes up to one hour and a half. To give your body time to respond to the treatment, the treatment frequency is not high.